Jag läser i "Zen wrapped in karma dipped in chocolate" nu. En passage jag läste igår som jag gillar, handlar om när Brad talar med sin farmor om Brads döda farfar. Hon undrar om Brad tror att han fortfarande "finns bland oss". -Ja, svarar Brad. Jag skriver ner passagen här, bara för dig kompis:
He died in 2000, and he'll never return. He didn't reincarnate. He didn't fly up to heaven or descend to hell. He isn't inhabiting the dark corners of the house wanting to jump out at us and go, "Boo!". But he is still here. You could say he lives on in our memories of him, or in the influence he had on our lives, or in the genetic material he passed down to us. All that would be true. But that doesn't quite get at it. He's still here in ways we can't ever express in words. The same thing that stared at the world out of my grandpa's eyes and wondered what the fuck it was all about stares at the world out of your eyes and out of mine.
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